Telegram adds new updates, it announced on Friday, and that the new updates will include having group calls that can host 1000 viewers, voice messages with higher quality and can be expanded, screen sharing with sound to all video calls, and more.
The cloud-based software keeps getting better and it seems like it will stop at nothing to make sure that it fits perfectly and is part of the competition. Telegram is a rival to WhatsApp, Signal, and Facebook Messenger. It has been around since 2013. However, a lot of people first heard about it when WhatsApp introduced its Privacy Policy earlier this year.
Telegram updates: Group video calls 2.0
On its last update, Telegram said that video was available to the first 30 who join a voice chat, which it planned would increase because of streaming games, live events, and more. Now you will be able to join a group video call that can host 1000 people. This is very different than other video calls on other platforms. Well, if you really think about it, it feels like it’s a Live, just like those on Instagram.
“We will keep increasing this limit until all humans on Earth can join one group call and watch us yodel in celebration (coming soon),” Telegram said in a blog post.
Video Messages 2.0
Telegram lets you send video messages without adding a single video to your gallery — you just press record within the app and press send. Now they have even a higher resolution and you can tap on them to expand them. Expanding the video and pausing it will allow you to play back just in case you missed a tiny bit of information in the video.
“Our Android developer is a fan of hummingbirds, so his app also supports 0.2x speed,” Telegram said.