In Phoenix, Durban, a school transport vehicle carrying pupils suffered a significant crash, injuring 14 pupils.
Phoenix school transport crash caused by brake failure
Local emergency services were quick to arrive at the scene following alerts from nearby residents.
Upon their arrival, KZNVIP medics began with a systematic triage to assess the urgency of medical needs among the pupils.
Those injured were stabilised at the scene before being prepared for transportation to medical facilities.
One female pupil was found entrapped in the vehicle and thanks to rescue efforts by KZNVIP medics, she was successfully extricated and stabilised, alongside other learners who, visibly traumatised, awaited assistance along the roadway.
Initial reports from the scene suggest that a brake failure might have been the catalyst for the accident. However, this has not yet been confirmed, and a thorough investigation is underway to determine the definitive cause.
At this time, Durban authorities are probing an inquest into the accident to determine culpability.
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