A disturbing incident involving Tshwane Metro Police officers and a motorist was caught on camera and is rapidly spreading on social media.
Tshwane Metro officers caught on camera assaulting motorist
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The footage, recorded at Jean Avenue in Centurion around 16:00 on Wednesday, shows officers manhandling a motorist during an altercation that escalated when the motorist attempted to use his phone.
According to the motorist, the confrontation began when the officers wanted to arrest him for allegedly using his phone while driving.
The motorist requested permission to record the interaction, which the officers initially granted.
However, the situation quickly turned aggressive when one officer grabbed the motorist’s phone and wrestled him onto the road amid traffic, causing injury to the motorist’s hand.
The video captured the officer holding the phone, demanding that the motorist delete the footage.
The motorist later recovered the video, which has since been shared widely online.
The officers, after threatening to arrest the motorist for “reckless driving” due to alleged cellphone usage, did not issue any fine once the videos were taken.
As of now, the Tshwane Metro authority has yet to issue a formal statement addressing the allegations and the video footage.