Pastor Glenn Germany from Jesus’ Dwelling Place Church in North Braddock, Pennsylvania, narrowly escaped an assassination attempt when a gunman’s weapon jammed as he attempted to fire at the pastor during a live-streamed service.
Gun jam saves Pennsylvania pastor from assassination
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The harrowing event unfolded on a Sunday at Jesus’ Dwelling Place Church on Lobringer Avenue.
During the service, a man later identified as Bernard Polite, 26, from Braddock, suddenly approached the front of the congregation and aimed a gun directly at Pastor Germany.
Speaking to the media, the pastor recounted the terrifying moment, noting that the assailant had made eye contact with him several times before making his move.
“I started to begin to preach and all of a sudden, from my left-hand side, I saw him move from the back to the front of the church, and he set up in the front corner of the church and smiled at me,” Pastor Germany said.
As Polite pulled the trigger, the gun miraculously jammed, sparing the pastor’s life.
Members of the congregation acted swiftly; as Germany sought cover, one churchgoer tackled Polite, wrestling the gun away from him. Pastor Germany praised the brave individual, saying:
“He could have lost his life in that struggle. But he sacrificed himself for everyone, and he’s the hero.”
Suspect’s motive for attempting to kill Pennsylvania pastor
Following his arrest, Bernard Polite confessed to the police that he had attempted to shoot Pastor Germany because “God told him to do it,” and he wanted to go to jail to “clear his mind.”
The bizarre justification sheds light on the suspect’s possible mental state at the time of the incident.
Dead body found in suspect’s house
Compounding the shock surrounding the church incident, police discovered a body at Polite’s residence on the 500 block of Stokes Avenue on Sunday evening.
The deceased was identified by the Allegheny County Medical Examiner’s office as Derek Polite, 56, also from North Braddock and a relative of Bernard Polite.
He had been shot to death.
Neighbours expressed their astonishment, describing both Bernard and Derek as nice individuals with no history of domestic issues or violence in their home.
The investigation into Derek Polite’s death continues, with no charges filed in connection to the discovery as of the latest updates.