The news is a bit old but we could not pass up on the opportunity to share how Trevor Noah reacted to United States (US) President Donald Trump’s epic fail.
Watch: Trevor Noah rips into Trump’s epic fail
Medical experts in the US have been dealing with the fallout of Trump’s latest press conference blunder. The president suggested using disinfectants and ultraviolet (UV) lights emitted from the sun to cure coronavirus (COVID-19).
As wild as this sounds, Trump spent five minutes contemplating the idea of somehow shining UV light inside the human body or injecting cleaning products like Lysol to instantly kill COVID-19.
Trevor Noah, like the rest of us, was dumbfounded by this, and the South African comedian shared his thoughts on the latest episode of Comedy Central’s The Social Distancing Show.
Trump dumbfounded by spike in disinfectant calls
The last thing the US needs in these trying times is a very influential head of state making outlandish and highly dangerous claims on national TV.
As expected, Trump walked back those wildly controversial statements, claiming that all he was being sarcastic and feeding ‘fake’ media the ‘fake’ news that lives by.
Consequent to the press briefing, BBC News reported that calls related to disinfectant being a possible cure for COVID-19 had spiked in states like Maryland.
When asked about this during the most recent press conference, Trump loosely dismissed the question, stating how he could not imagine that Maryland’s COVID-19 emergency hotline had seen a spike in calls related to disinfectant being a possible cure for the rapid spreading virus.
“I can’t imagine why. I can’t imagine that,” he scoffed.
The president has been preoccupied with fast-tracking the relaunch of the country’s economy at a time where the US has surpassed a million infections with 56 634 deaths, a quarter of the global figures.