A cash-in-transit (CIT) heist planned in Dobsonville, Soweto, ended in gunfire and chaos.
Watch: Dobsonville cash-in-transit heist caught on camera
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The suspects, heavily armed and prepared to bomb the cash van, were intercepted by the South African Police Service (SAPS) members who, acting on intelligence, arrived at the scene ready for confrontation.
The exchange of gunfire was intense, leading to the foiling of what could have been a catastrophic heist.
The confrontation was not without significant consequences. Two of the robbers were fatally wounded in a shootout that unravelled in full view of gob-smacked Dobsonville residents.
The police’s decisive action not only prevented the heist but also led to the recovery of an R5 rifle, three AK47s, and three vehicles.
This incident underscores the ongoing battle between law enforcement and criminal elements targeting CIT operations. Following the shootout, the SAPS has not rested on its laurels.
A manhunt for the remaining suspects who managed to flee is currently underway.
Footage of the dramatic scenes that played out in Dobsonville surfaced on social media.