The search for 18-year-old Reza Saloojee, a matric pupil from Greenside High School, ended in tragedy as his body was recovered from the Vaal Dam on Tuesday.
Story Summary:
- Reza Saloojee was found dead two days after he went missing at the Vaal Dam.
- Police divers discovered his body 100 metres from where he was last seen.
- Reza was swept away by a strong current while attempting to retrieve belongings.
Reza Saloojee body recovered two days into Vaal Dam search
Saloojee went missing on Sunday afternoon while on a fishing trip with his family at the Vaal Dam.
The teenager entered the water to retrieve some belongings but was swept away by a strong current.
Despite efforts by his family and emergency services, Reza could not be found on Sunday.
A team of over 20 police divers from Tshwane, Johannesburg, and West Rand joined their Sedibeng colleagues in the search.
The divers spent seven hours in the water on Tuesday before finally locating Reza’s body about 100 metres from the spot where he was presumed to have drowned.
Reza’s father, Bilal Saloojee, expressed his devastation over the loss of his son.
“What happened was sudden. We are devastated. We are in shock,” he told News24 before his son was found.
Despite the tragic outcome, Bilal had remained hopeful during the search, expressing optimism that Reza would be found.