The offices of high-ranking City of Cape Town officials, including Mayoral Committee Members (MMC) JP Smith and Xanthea Limberg, were raided on Friday morning by members of the Western Cape SAPS Commercial Crimes Unit.
UPDATE: Shortly after this article was published, JP Smith issued a scathing statement, claiming the raid may have been part of a smear campaign orchestrated by ‘political actors’ who’ve allegedly “mobilised a political ‘hit-squad’ against me.” Read the full statement below:
“As has been reported in the media, SAPS obtained a search warrant for my office and conducted the search today. I respect the work SAPS do and understand the importance of them being able to undertake such work without fear or favour or interference. Personally, I have always found it disingenuous when people who are the subject of police investigation, claim it is ‘politically motivated.’ There are many good people in SAPS and the NPA and DOJ who have great integrity and would not allow themselves to be abused for political purposes. That said, I have been tipped off that some political actors have been working on a smear campaign and have mobilised a political ‘hit-squad’ against me. I was alerted to this some months back, and some of you will have noticed from posts on social media that some politicians appear to be receiving ‘briefings’ or are involving themselves in what should clearly be, a protected police investigation. Apart from these tell-tale warning signs, I have been reliably informed that senior ANC politicians have been briefed by members within SAPS. In addition, a concerned person has sent me recordings of conversations that, even just at face value, reveals a political conspiracy against me by political office bearers, a private security company, and possibly that of members within SAPS, yet undetermined at this stage if these are past employees or still serving within SAPS still today. One of the sources in these recordings indicated that they obtained them from members in the police who are concerned about evidence being manufactured and actions taken by some of persons featuring in the recordings. While some of these persons have already identified, and in what the source called a “frame-up,” an individual featuring on the recording described the reason for me being targeted simply because I “stood in the way of too much”.
Offices of top-level City of Cape Town officials raided
This development follows ongoing investigations into alleged tender fraud within the city’s construction sector.
According to police spokesperson Colonel André Traut, no arrests have been made yet.
“The team requests space to conduct its investigation. Speculation about who the investigation is directed at, seizure of items, and possible arrests would be premature at this point,” he stated.
Traut also confirmed that several municipal officials and business owners are facing various charges tied to the same investigation.
The probe comes in the wake of a similar operation in 2023, where the Hawks raided the office of then-human settlements MMC Malusi Booi.
Booi, along with eight others, was arrested in September 2024 and is currently out on bail.
The GOOD Party, led by Secretary-General Brett Herron, expressed its shock over the raids and criticised the City of Cape Town’s administration for what it described as a lack of transparency.
In a statement, Herron called on Mayor Geordin Hill-Lewis and his administration to clarify the situation, particularly regarding the allegations against Smith and Limberg.
The party alleges that the investigation involves tender fraud tied to the municipality’s construction projects.
Herron further accused the City of perpetuating “theatre,” referencing the 2023 raid on Booi’s office, which was followed by what Herron described as the Mayor’s “surprise” and a call for a police briefing.
GOOD has called for the immediate suspension of Smith and Limberg, arguing that their continued presence in office could hinder the investigation or give the impression of interference.
The party also hinted at a potential conflict of interest due to the personal relationship between the two MMCs, which, it claimed, could further complicate the situation.
At this stage, SAPS investigators remain tight-lipped about the raid’s details, and no statements have been issued by JP Smith, Xanthea Limberg, or the City of Cape Town.