No greater time has come for Cape Town to band together in the face of a raging fire that has left many displaced with homes ruined and others burned to ash.
More shocking, scenes of the Rhodes Memorial restaurant as it exploded sent a wave of worry across social media when footage of the incident — as it happened — was posted on Twitter.
Currently, the City of Cape Town has pulled in all of its resources to contain the fire that’s spreading across the southern suburbs, with help received from rescuers from Working on Fire and Table Mountain National Park.
How you can help those affected by Cape Town fire
Refusing to sit aside helplessly, civilians have banded together to send aid to those affected. You can also join these Capetonians in providing assistance to those in need by following any of these suggestions:
Provide as much water as you can to those in need
If you can, purchase as many bottles of water as you can nd supply them to residents in and around the southern suburbs who have been affected by the fire.
Donation and aid centres you can visit
Organisations working with rescuers you can contact
- South African Red Cross Society
- The Salvation Army
- Gift of the Givers
- Volunteer Wildfire Services