A group of brazen suspects were caught on camera in a hijacking that left Epping Market shoppers shaken.
Epping Maret hijacking caught on camera
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An early evening at the ever-bustling Cape Town fruit and vegetable market turned to horror in an instant, when a group of robbers pulled off a vehicle heist with gob-smacking precision.
Footage of the incident makes it abundantly clear that the robbers were there for a specific target.
The driver of a white bakkie parked next to the targeted vehicle managed to scurry away from the crime scene, albiet none the wiser, the moment the armed gunmen stormed a white delivery van with at least two occupants.
The footage isn’t picture perfect but you can make out a slight scuffle before the driver and passenger are escorted into the suspects’ pick-up.
Both vehicles pull out of the Epping Market before the video feed cuts off.
Several eyewitnesses, albeit in a fight or flight state, are crucial cogs in the investigation, as they watched in horror the cool, calm and callous nature of the hijackers.
From what we understand, the suspects were still at large when this article was published, with investigators hot on the trail of the case.
Cape Town police had not responded to our request for comment.
This is a developing story.