It takes a certain level of gall and I-don’t-give-a-fuckery to pull off what these daredevils from Boksburg attempted on the N12 highway this past weekend.
Watch: Boksburg motorists block traffic on N12
Footage shared by renowned crime microblogger @crimeairnetwork showed a number of cars performing stunts on the busy interchange.
While one side of the traffic was buzzing with vehicles, the other was halted by the rogue motorists who could be heard screaming, “this world is ours!” as they screeched their tyres along the asphalt.
Is it illegal to block traffic on the highway?
In the far distance, you could see the traffic piling on, as motorists were forced to wait for the Boksburg daredevils to finish up with their braggadocious display.
Purposefully obstructing movement on a highway interchange is a traffic violation of the worst kind. Such callous behaviour poses a threat to the lives of innocent motorists who depend on the highway to ease their way to wherever they are headed.
These folks who, we might assume, were illogical in their thinking are, unfortunately, still at large. We are not certain, at this time, if this a case docket being looked into by Boksburg authorities.
This is a developing story.